Dr. Voddie Baucham Tells It Like It Is

Check out Dr. Voddie Baucham's biblical assessment of women in office (yes, including Governor Sarah Palin). Read it from Reformed Baptist Blog: Click Here!

Note: What Dr. Baucham advocates is not "sexism" as the world would deem or "patriarchalism" as some evangelical egalitarians would argue, but rather is an excellent and bold example of biblical fidelity. By inference, his biblical fidelity would translate into the honoring of the female sex, which bears the very imago dei. Biblical fidelity would allow for no other conclusion than such. After you watch the two Christians, you tell me who you think is exercising biblical fidelity, the one who takes the text at its face value (Baucham) or the other who seeks a meaning beyond the plain meaning (Margaret Feinberg).

On another but related note, if you have been struggling with the the whole Judge Deborah issue, that is, how or why God allowed her to function as a "leader" (or so many people think ala the CNN lady), check out Wayne Grudem's Evangelical Feminism & Biblical Truth, pp.131-136.