He Freely Gave Me This Coat!

The doctrine of justification is increasingly attractive and pleasing whenever it is expressed. Here is what "Christian" says to "Formality" and "Hypocrisy" in Pilgrim's Progress, the latter two of which attempts to reach the Gate through a shortcut and the keeping of laws and ordinances:
"You'll not be saved by laws and ordinances since you didn't come in through the Door. And as for this coat on my back, it was given to me by the Ruler of the place where I'm going. And, as you say, it is for the purpose of covering my nakedness. Furthermore, I take it as a token of His kindness toward me; for I had on nothing but rags before. And besides, as I go, I comfort myself with the thought that when I come to the gate of the City, the Ruler of the City will easily recognize me since I have this coat on my back--a coat He freely gave me the day He stripped me of my rags" (John Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress in Modern English, p.52).