Pimp Prosperity Preachers are Like a Box of Skittles

This preacher's name is E. Dewey Smith. I hardly know anything about him so I neither endorse nor discount his ministry. I must admit what he says in this video is quite funny, however. Towards the end of this clip he says the following:
"You can’t tell the difference in some of us. We say we’re preachers but look like a box of skittles. Purple suits and yellow alligators and red… C’mon man, what are you? Are you a Rev. or…. going to the pimp convention?... ya don’t like what I’m saying because I’m talking about yo brotha!"
Ha Ha Ha... That's some funny stuff!

This other video in the bottom is just for your pure entertainment purpose. It's kind of old so you may have already seen it in the past. These pimp prosperity preachers mind as well sing these songs!


Anonymous said...

These videos are hilarious!

Trust all is well. Congrats at your new ministry assignment at New Life.

Mo' said...

Hey Jim,

Great to hear from you! How are you doing? Hope that all is well at home and church. Keep up the good work!

Unknown said...


I wanted to reply to your question but can't seem to find your contact info. What's your email address?

Here's mine: sgbcpastor@gmail.com

Why don't you shoot me an email and that way we can catch up.

Hope to hear from you.