Great Quote: "Christianity" vs. "Radical Christianity"

“I remember one of the students saying how incredible it was to him that Christianity could be viewed by many students as a belief-system that could be added onto their present lives with little change. Studies remained pretty much the same. Leisure remained pretty much the same. Use of money remained pretty much the same. Goals after graduation remained pretty much the same. Students simply said, ‘I can believe that,’ and added it on to what they were already committed to. It didn't seem to make a difference. One of the reasons I use the word ‘radical’ as often as I do to describe the kind of Christianity that I am pursuing is that I need some kind of language to differentiate the real thing from this ‘add on’ kind of Christianity that is not real and confuses thousands about what the real thing is. Radical Christianity, real Christianity, makes a difference” (Emphases Added).
-John Piper

Source: "How to Suffer for Doing What is Right" (Listen or Read or Download It from DGM: Click Here!)